Meetings between the chief negotiators in Brussels

13 May 2022
On 13 May 2022, as warned by the EU representative for dialogue Miroslav Lajcak – in the meeting held in Brussels on May 4, 2022 – the meeting between the chief negotiators took place. Two main issues were discussed relating to license plates and electricity.
The dialogue ended without an agreement on license plates, but some agreements were announced on other issues, including energy.
“Today’s meetings of the chief negotiators in Brussels have just ended. The results are mixed. Unfortunately, no agreement was reached on license plates, but we have made progress on other issues including energy. The work will continue,” said Lajcak.
Following the meetings of the chief negotiators on June 21, the agreement on electricity was reached. The agreement signed between Kosovo and Serbia in the energy sector states that the Energy Regulatory Office will issue a supply license to Elektrosever, in accordance with Kosovo’s legal and regulatory framework.
The Deputy Prime Minister, Besnik Bislimi, also commented on the reaching of the agreement.
“Finally we have adopted the implementation of the Energy Agreement originating from 2013 and 2015. This enables the billing of electricity in the four Northern municipalities of Kosovo, under the laws of Kosovo and the regulatory system”