Parties set final obligations on the implementation of Telecom Agreement

Brussels, 18 November 2016
On 18 November 2016 the two-day talks between Kosovo and Serbia ended, setting the final obligations on the implementation of Telekom agreement.
Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri, stated that “everything was already set out in detail in terms of implementing the obligations of the parties and that Kosovo will be given a national dialing code on 15 December 2016”. She further added that “with this agreement Kosovo wins national sovereignty in the field of telecommunications” and that “this agreement opens the way for Kosovo’s membership in the ITU”.
Serbia was obliged to send a letter to ITU on 3 December 2016, agreeing not to hinder ITU from allocating a country code to Kosovo.
Kosovo in this regard will have the right to administer its own telephony code, like all other countries, while all foreign codes that were used +381, +377,+386 will no longer be used.
Kosovo, by the agreement, is obliged to give a temporary and restricted license on mobile telephony and a permanent license on fixed telephony, to a new company registered under the laws of the Republic of Kosovo.
The Kosovo delegation led by Minister Tahiri was composed by Kreshnik Gashi, technical coordinator and head of the RAEPC board and board members: Nijazi Ademaj, Hazir Hajdari, Bahri Anadolli and Shqiprim Pula. Also Ilir Imeri, head of the Department of Electronic Communications in RAEPC; Visar Halimi, Head of the Department of Frequency Management in RAEPC; Astrit Ajvazi, Head of the Department for Monitoring Radio and Inspection in RAEPC; Rexhë Gjonbalaj, chairman of the Board of Telecom of Kosovo; and Mehdi Latifaj, technical director of Kosovo Telecom.