The meeting on Energy was held in Brussels

Brussels, 12 May 2015
On 12 May, 2015, Kosovo and Serbia met in Brussels as part of the regular meeting on energy.
Kosovo Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri, stated that talks were long and heavy and the meeting was intended at overcoming some obstacles in the implementation of the agreement on energy. The meeting ended without results, because Serbia was focused on presenting new demands conflicting with the Brussels agreement on energy.
The Serbian side focused on energy distribution, for which the agreement makes it clear that there will be no other companies that can provide services for energy distribution.
Kosovo side has categorically refused to discuss the topic of energy distribution, as well as all other topics that are outside the agreement.
In this context, Minister Tahiri added that the Serbian side has repeatedly tried to encourage discussions for the legalization of illegal Serbian energy operators operating in the north and particularly has requested to license the illegal company “Elektrokosmet” to provide commercial services; which were refused by the Kosovo side.
Minister Tahiri also emphasized that the Serbian side is deliberately delaying the handover the control of substation Vallaqi to Kosovo authorities, violating this way the agreement on energy.
The delegation of the Republic of Kosovo, headed by Minister Edita Tahiri consisted of: Valon Murtezaj, political adviser to the Prime Minister; Dren Zeka and Elona Cecelia, policy advisers of Minister Tahiri; Naim Bejtullahu, Head of KOSTT; Kadri Kadriu, Deputy head of KOSTT; Merita Kostari and Krenar Bujupi, board members at the Energy Regulatory Office; Ardrit Gashi and Kushtrim Thaci, political advisers to Minister Blerand Stavileci.