Meetings on the issues of Energy, Licensing of the Companies from the Northern Part and the Import of Medicines

Brussels, 17 December 2014
The Minister for Dialogue of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, Edita Tahiri, was in Brussels, where she took part in dialogue meetings facilitated by the European Union. During the first day of the meetings, it was discussed about the energy issue, respectively about the registration of a new company for certain services as envisaged by the Agreement on Energy. Parties have also discussed about the issues of licensing companies from the northern part which import goods that are subject to special controls by the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo.
Discussions on the implementation of the Agreement on Energy were focused on the establishment of a new company registered in Kosovo, pursuant to the Brussels Agreement and Kosovar laws on energy, which would offer the following services such as billing, payment collection, maintenance and physical connection of new consumers in the northern municipalities.
As for the meetings on the licensing companies from the northern part of Kosovo, it was concluded that the majority of companies from the northern part have already been registered or have applied for licensing to the relevant institutions of the Republic of Kosovo, and in conformity with the agreement.
Kosovar agencies were in direct contact with the companies from the northern part and offered them the necessary assistance and information on the application and licensing through the Administrative Office in North Mitrovica the Kosovo Customs or even directly with the relevant institutions licensing the companies pursuant to Kosovo’s legal framework. Also, they have confirmed that the deadline to apply for licensing is 31 December 2014 and that companies which do not apply shall not be able to import unlicensed goods.
In relation to the import of drugs/ medicines, it was discussed about the need of applying reciprocity for Pharmaceutical Product Certificates issued by relevant authorities in both states. Also, they discussed on the possibilities of increasing the cooperation between central health institutions and local institutions in the northern part, in order to supply the local health institutions with drugs in conformity to the Kosovo’s legislation, European Union practices and standards.
In this context, it was also discussed on forming a list of essential drugs for the medicaments which can come for the four municipalities in the northern part of Kosovo as a donation from Serbia.
The delegation of the Republic of Kosovo, chaired by Minister Edita Tahiri, was composed of: Dren Zeka – main political advisor to the Minister Tahiri; in the energy group: Elona Cecelia – advisor and coordinator and Gazmend Mejzini, Head of the Business Registration Agency, and Gazmir Raci – political advisor and the coordinator for the licensing issue, and Bekim Mehmetaj from Kosovo Customs; while the work group for drugs import was composed of: Arjeta Rexhaj, political advisor to the Minister Edita Tahiri and Arianit Jakupi – Head of the Kosovo Medicaments Agency