Regional Cooperation in the Western Balkans: Regional Economic Area, the “Mini-Schengen” and the Common Regional Market
Publisher: BPRG
Date: 08/02/2022Library serves as a research center where citizens can find different materials on the Kosovo- Serbia dialogue. It is particularly dedicated to students and researchers, however it is easily-accessible for each and every user. The documents are categorized in five sections; a categorization that helps the users to filter the information easily and rapidly.
Publisher: BPRG
Date: 08/02/2022Publisher: BPRG
Date: 16/09/2020Publisher: D4D
Date: 26/10/2020Publisher: EFB, D4D, EMA and CeMI
Date: 26/01/2020Publisher: D4D
Date: 26/12/2019Publisher: European Fund for the Balkans (EFB), Democracy for Development institute (D4D), European Movement Albania (EMA) and Transconflict Serbia.
Date: 08/11/2018Publisher: AKTIV
Date: 10/08/2018