The dialogue meetings continued in Brussels

Brussels, 17 June 2015
From 15 June 2015, the delegation of Kosovo and the delegation of Serbia were staying in Brussels, discussing on issue of telecom, association and the revitalization of the Mitrovica Bridge.
European Union has commended the commitment of both parties in this regard.
The delegation of the Republic of Kosovo was led by Edita Tahiri, Minister for Dialogue and composed of: Valon Murtezaj and Bajram Gecaj political adviser of Prime Minister Mustafa; Blerim Shala, political coordinator of the dialogue; Dren Zeka, chief political adviser to Minister Tahiri and coordinator of the issue; Besnik Osmani, secretary general of MLGA; and Arjeta Rexhaj, political advisor to the Minister Tahiri.
At the working group meeting for the implementation of telecom agreement were: Gazmir Raci, political coordinator for telecom; Ekrem Hoxha, coordinator of the expert group and chairman of the Board of RAEPC; Ilir Imeri, Head of Department of Electronic Communications in RAEPC; Ardrit Gashi, political adviser to the Minister Stavileci; Rexhë Gjonbalaj, chairman of the Board of PTK; Mehdi Latifaj, technical director at PTK; and Kosovo Ambassador in Belgium, Mimoza Ahmetaj.
Within the working group on the Mitrovica Bridge were Shqipe Mjekiqi, political adviser to Minister Hyseni, Arben Çitaku, secretary general of the MESP, Agim Bahtiri, mayor of South Mitrovica, Rashit Qalaj, Director of Operative in Police Kosovo and Sami Zeka, director of urbanism in the southern municipality of Mitrovica.